Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I am here!

Wow! I made it. Internet here is a little sketchy, so I am sorry that I have not been able to post sooner. I made it in Sunday at 2AM with all my luggage. Yay! Since then I have moved into my apartment. Pictures to come later :) It is nice. The team here is wonderful. I am getting my bearings in my neighborhood. There is a fastfood restaurant next door to my apartment building enntrance and a small "convience store" on the other side. We live on the 1st floor which is technically the 2nd floor. All of our neighbors on this floor are businesses so it stays quieter at night. One of our neighbors on the floor above us works in the convience store next door and she wants to help me learn Arabic. Another BIG yay!
The first day was spent meeting the team. The second day was shopping! We have 4 sets of huge sliding glass doors in the apartment that open up to our private courtyard, which desperately need curtains. We ordered some and they should be here Saturday along with a bookshelf. I bought some bedding and then was disappointed that it does not look anything like the picture on the package, so if I can I am going to try to exchange it. My roomate and I also went grocery shopping and created our own chili the second night.
Yesterday, I got to unpack somemore, get a little more oriented, and then we had ladies night complete with tacos! Today was my first language lesson. I learned 6 letters, some greetings, and here, there, what is this, who is this and the correct responses. For "who" my teacher had pictures of people like Tom Cruise, the Beatles, John Travolta, Julia Roberts, UK Royalty and then political figures here. Lets say that I was a little embarrased that I had no idea who the political people were.
Oh, and the second night I went to a Pro. Basketball game here, which is a 15 minute story in itself, so you will have to ask me about that in person.
Over all I am very thankful for all that I have found here. Can't wait to tell you more! Will update more soon...


annbnagy said...

Glad to hear you arrived and are getting settled in your apartment.

Misty said...

Glad to hear you made it safely!

Jaclyn.... said...

Yay! Glad you made it with all your bags! sounds like you've been having a good time you're first days there. That's so wonderful. Also, I'm impressed you already learned 6 letters! way to go!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you are settling in well, and that all your bags got there!