Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thank you Kids!

First, I need to give a shout out to all the kids that sent me cards this week! Thank you to all the girls in Oklahoma and the kids in Texas. It made my day each day this week, and of course I had to share them with my friends here. All the kids from Texas wrote on their cards that they were from Texas, they must start working on them when they are really young!

This has been a long week, so I needed those extra cards. We had training through Saturday, although today was just in the morning and we went out for ethnic food together for lunch. This week has been specific to the area of the world we will be going. Most of it has all been about security, which is not a fun topic, but now I should be prepared for just about anything. Also, I worked on a strategy plan for my first year, which at first seemed Boring (note the capital B), just more paperwork. But it was really nice to take the time and think, focus, and ask yourself where you want to be at the end of the year, and what you want to see that has happened. I guess I will be making LOTS of New Year's Resolutions this year!

Looking forward, I will be here less than two more weeks. I found out that my overseas arrival has been delayed for almost a week-which is not a big deal, but it gives me more time at home, so if you are in the area, call me so we can do something, or you can call my mom as I found out some of you have already done. It is kinda nice having a "social secretary." just kidding! Hope you had a good week. Thank you for remembering me and checking in!

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